IASPRR Congresses

Since 1963 the scientific community of plant reproduction biologists organizes biannual conferences. In 1990 the organization and responsibility of this conference series was taken over by the International Association of Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (IASPRR). More detailed history


Future Conferences

Stay tuned for information on the next 28th ICSPR 2026 meeting!



Past Meetings

27th ICSPR, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 7-10 July 2024

26th ICSPR, Praga, Czech Republic, 20-24 June 2022

25th ICSPR, Gifu, Japan, 11-16 June 2018

24th ICSPR, Tucson, USA, 18-23 March 2016

23nd ICSPR, Porto, Portugal, 13-18 July 2014

22nd ICSPR, Melbourne, Australia, 13-17 February 2012

21st ICSPR, Bristol, UK, 2-6 August 2010

20th ICSPR, Brasilia, Brazil, 4-8 August 2008


Past, Past Meetings


19th ICSPR, Budapest, Hungary, 11-15 July 2006


18th ICSPR, Beijing, China, August 20-24, 2004


17th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Lublin, Poland, July 9-13, 2002


16th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Banff, Canada (April 1-5, 2000)


15th ICSPR, Wageningen, Netherlands (August 16-21, 1998)


14th ICSPR, Lorne, Australia (Feb 18-22, 1996):


13th ICSPR, Vienna, Austria (July 10-14, 1994)


12th ICSPR, Columbus (Ohio), USA (1992):